Elmo is trying to find a missing Constitutional rule.  It’s one of the following seven, but they are all so similar!  Can you help Elmo pick out which judicial doctrine is correct?

a.  A baby may be killed in a house, but not on a street.

b.  A baby may be killed in a park, but not in a museum.


Not everyone who uses the term “institutional racism” is a fan of Critical Race Theory.  But almost everyone who uses the term is careless.  The term is highly effective for invective and for virtue signaling, but not very useful for analysis.


Here is the evidence that trans women are really women, and that trans men are really men:  They say they are.  This has been confirmed in study after study.  So stop opposing Science, bigots.



Some things, of course, are racist.  However, the Left’s claim that everything under the sun is racist is sheer delusion.


It is commonly said that although devotion to a wicked cause is bad, at least it is good that the devotee is giving himself to “something greater than himself."


One day in class, I commented to my students that scientists and other intellectuals fall into groupthink at least as readily as other people do, and I offered examples.


Justice is giving to each person what is due to him:  Whatever reward, punishment, or share in common benefits or burdens he deserves.  The only way to be just is to practice justice.  Proclaim all you like the justice of doing injustice in certain cases, but the most careful rules for justifying injustice can never make injustice just.