This list includes my scholarly books but omits my books for college students. To see more about these books, to see those books too, or to obtain a book, click here.
Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on the One God. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024.
How and How Not to Be Happy. Regnery, 2022.
Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Divine Law. Cambridge University Press, 2021. Not to be confused with Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Law, below.
Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Happiness and Ultimate Purpose. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Virtue Ethics. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Law. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Comes with access to the Companion the the Commentary (see below). Not to be confused with Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Divine Law, above.
Companion to the Commentary. Cambridge University Press, 2014. This is a complete online book, distinct from the Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Law, above, which includes commentary on additional parts of St. Thomas’s text as well as extended discussions of various themes in the Treatise.
On the Meaning of Sex. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2012.
The Line Through the Heart: Natural Law as Fact, as Theory, and as Sign of Contradiction. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2009.
Evangelicals in the Public Square: Four Formative Voices on Political Thought and Action. Introduction by Michael Cromartie, afterword by Jean Bethke Elshtain. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006.
Natural Law for Lawyers. Scottsdale, Arizona: Blackstone Fellowship, 2006.
What We Can't Not Know: A Guide, revised and expanded edition. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2011; prev. edition Spence Publishing, 2003.
The Revenge of Conscience: Politics and the Fall of Man, revised edition. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2010; prev. edition Spence Publishing, 1999.
Written on the Heart: The Case for Natural Law. Downer's Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1997.
True Tolerance: Liberalism and the Necessity of Judgment. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1992, paperback edition 1999.
The Nearest Coast of Darkness: A Vindication of the Politics of Virtues. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.
The Resurrection of Nature: Political Theory and the Human Character. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986.