It happened several years ago, but I guess anecdotes on the increasing split in the culture are never out of date. I was guest-lecturing about political theology and St. Augustine’s City of God in a colleague’s graduate seminar. Discussion ranged widely, and among the things that came up was the federal mandate requiring that employers who provide insurance plans include coverage for artificial contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs, even if they are morally opposed to doing so.
Someone suggested that the motivation for the mandate couldn’t be financial, because a month’s supply of birth-control pills costs doesn’t cost much anyway. “That’s not true!” protested one young woman angrily. “My birth control pills cost more than my cable bill!”
Irrespective of the cost of her pills, I was taken aback. She could afford cable, yet she pled poverty, so that others would pay for her privilege of sleeping with anyone at any time -- and she was indignant that the others might not want to.