Finally, the uneasiness of heterosexuals about their own conduct may manifest itself as a misplaced scruple against hypocrisy. They ask how we dare to disagree with anything said in favor of homosexual acts. After all, we don’t hear many complaints about heterosexual misbehavior, do we?
That’s true, and there is only one possible reply: We ought to.
We would not be so confused about homosexuality if we had not already allowed ourselves to become so confused about heterosexuality. The polarity of the sexes is the vaulted arch into two great natural goods: The generation of new life and the union of the procreative partners. Once these goods have been sullied by adultery, divorce, hooking up, cohabitation, abortion, pornography, and the contraceptive mentality, the celebration of same-sex attraction comes almost as a thing expected.
Perhaps my readers will consider the analogy I am about to offer farfetched. But I think just as President Abraham Lincoln urged the North and South to join in binding the wounds they had inflicted together on their nation, so we should be urging those who suffer from same-sex attractions to join with those who do not suffer them to join in binding the wounds we have inflicted together on chastity.
We dare not hold chastity in contempt; we dare not dispense with marriage; and we dare not tamper with its creational design. Too much good is at stake to treat these things lightly, too much power, beauty, and danger to waste it on selfish games. From the best gifts come the worst miseries, if we are too foolish to follow directions – the lessons built into our nature.
This seven-part series, now concluded, has been adapted from my chapter in a book to be published by Ignatius Press.
Tomorrow: Natural Law and Original Sin