“The parent seeking to be the friend of the child necessarily forfeits authority. As this egalitarian drive works itself out, indeed, children of quite a young age come increasingly under the jurisdiction of the state, exercising its suasion through social workers, and they acquire rights which make it increasingly difficult for either teachers or parents to exercise authority. Social workers gain power at the expense of both parents and policemen. But just as there are ineluctable necessities about what the child must end up knowing, so in the family there are ineluctable necessities for familial peace and harmony. If authority can no longer be exercised, how are these necessities to be achieved? The straightforward answer is: by negotiation. Benefits must be exchanged -- in terms of pocket money, night time curfews, television rights, the giving and receiving of love, etc. Children and parents thus become power players negotiating with each other on more or less equal terms about what shall be given and received.” -- Kenneth Minogue, "The End of Authority and Finality,” in Digby Anderson, ed., This Will Hurt: The Restoration of Virtue and Civic Order