Donald Trump and his defenders argue that the 2020 election was rigged. His critics protest that there is no compelling evidence of fraud. A point mostly missed about this controversy is that the two sides talk past each other. They are using different definitions, assumptions, standards of judgment, and rules of evidence.
On this day my wife and I celebrate our 52nd anniversary. When we married, we had scarcely any idea what we were doing. I am glad to announce that even as boneheaded as we are, we have learned something.
Before you complain that by overturning certain precedents which have stood for years, the new majority on the U.S. Supreme Court is “threatening democracy,” consider how some of the Court’s precedents were established in the first place.
Now that the movie Oppenheimer is making the rounds, it seems opportune to repost a reflection I posted about the man back in 2020, when we were in a whirl not about bombs, but about viruses. Read on.
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Most people have come up against writer’s block at one time or another. Some, including even some experienced writers, suffer it frequently. I don’t suffer it often, but that’s only because I’ve learned a variety of tricks, which I now share. I don’t guarantee that every one of them will work for everyone, but try them and see if they work for you.
I know intelligence is not the same as moral virtue. As my mom says, IQ produced the atomic bomb. What I find, though, is that a lot of people do seem to suggest their equivalence. For example, some social scientists claim a correlation between IQ and incarceration rates.
Hear me talking for three and a half minutes about The study of self-deception on the Catholic Culture Podcast. (Interviewer Thomas V. Mirus.)